Fueling Your Facebook Fan Page

Have a Facebook account? How many times a week do you get requests to become a fan of a business or organization? If you do agree, how often to you pay attention to their updates or even visit the page?

It's something to consider when you launch your own fan page. Are you doing it because it's now de rigeur, because you have to? Or do you truly have something interesting and useful to share with your fans -- whom I gather you're trying to convert into customers or clients?

Before you launch your fan page you should have a clear plan of how you're going to operate it. How frequently will you update it and with what? How are you going to create community? How will you keep visitors engaged? How will you amuse or entertain them, teach them, be a trusted resource for them?

Here are some suggestions for ways to continually fuel your Facebook page. And, if you have ideas you'd like to share, please leave a comment below.

  • Run your Twitter feed into your fan page.
  • Hold relevant and fun contests with giveaways of products.
  • Do you have a blog? Feed that content into your fan page.
  • Offer relevant tips of the week with visuals if possible.
  • Post videos -- these could be short tours of model homes, tours of the homes of happy new home buyers, interviews with your restaurant's chef or a quick recipe demo, demos of how to use a product.
  • Post photos of happy customers with your product with a Q&A about their experience.
  • Post links to relevant YouTube videos your fans would enjoy.
  • Pick a Facebook fan of the week to highlight. (Think viral marketing potential as fans let their friends and family know they're being spotlighted.)

Remember, just having a fan page doesn't mean anything. If you don't keep it updated with interesting content you won't get visitors and it could have the opposite effect of your intent.

Creating Social Media Policy or Shutting Down Engagement?

Recently, the Washington Post issued social media guidelines to its staff and they've caused some controversy, thanks to the long list of "can't do's" that some see as stymying the kind of conversation in which journalists need to be engaged. It's not just media companies that are looking at how to manage the Tower of Babel some feel social media has wrought upon their businesses. Organizations of all kinds seem to be of two minds about the nitty gritty of public engagement, and feel they need to draw the line somewhere. So, we're beginning to see a surge of policy development around how employees can interact online and how organizations engage with the outside world on platforms like Twitter.

Personally, I don't have a problem with this if the resulting policy encourages creative engagement but ensures that the business is protected, that employees use good sense and everyone behaves with mutual respect. A website that's currently circulating is Social Media Governance, which has a database of over 100 social media policies from organizations ranging from municipalities to health care organizations, from the U.S. Navy and Air Force to tech companies to museums. This database is growing and is instructive for organizations considering implementing their own social media policies.

I was surprised to find I liked Wal-Mart's brief and direct approach to Twitter. They recognize that many of their associates may have their own Twitter accounts but identify the official Wal-Mart accounts. The best line is this: "We won’t reply to off topic @replies. Personal attacks and foul language = FAIL. Adding to the discussion = WIN." Do you really need more than that to let people know your philosophy?

But what about internal policies? I like the approach Shift Communications takes with their employees and contractors. Again, it's simple and to the point: Be respectful, be transparent, be diplomatic, have the facts, stick to your area of expertise.  Even the State of Delaware, for all its governmental, bureaucratic jargon and formatting, has it right. They reiterate their ethical stance, the need to be transparent, and, of course, that they must protect confidentiality within the system. They also go one step further and commit to correcting information later found to be in error.

Compare these to Sentara's Social Media Policy. Here's one where the lawyers were clearly let loose. If any spelled-out policy were to have a chilling effect, this would be it. Yes, they're a health-care organization but here we have so much dense legalese, the glazed over eyes have no way to take in anything other than "keep out!" "You must adhere," You are prohibited," "You will not violate..." My favorite? "Sentara/OptimaHealth reserves the right to monitor, prohibit, restrict, block, suspend, terminate, delete, or discontinue your access to any Sentara/OptimaHealth Social Media Site, at any time, without notice and for any reason and in its sole discretion." Clearly, someone doesn't quite get the spirit of social media. And it just gets worse.

So, to those managers who feel compelled to develop a clear social media policy for employees and outside participants on their sites, go forth. Be clear that employees must not compromise protected information, that they must be transparent, respectful, and courteous, and talk only about what they know (having to do with the organization). That they must follow basic stated organizational guidelines already a part of your culture. If you open up a blog or other social media on your site to the public, you should state your position as well. People should respect the rules when they're in your home. But, be judicious and try to avoid a defensive heavy hand. You're trying to encourage engagement and idea sharing, not send people running.

Has Social Media Jumped the Shark? Hardly

I love days when there's a convergence -- or maybe I should really say collision -- of thought patterns that begins before I've even had my first cup of coffee. Here I was at my desk before 6 a.m. and I open my email to find an intriguing blog post in AdAge Daily News by Phil Johnson of PJA Advertising & Marketing: "Selling Social Media Isn't Hard; Implementing It Is." Then, I hear a most ridiculous essay on NPR's Morning Edition by John Ridley, "Keep Your Tweets to Yourself." Now Johnson is spot on in his analysis for advertising agencies: We've pretty much passed the point in which you have to convince clients that social media is a worthwhile endeavor, but unless you've been engaged in it yourself, it's going to be difficult to advise your clients on the best course of action to take and how precisely to implement it across a variety of channels.

Johnson jumped right in and made his own agency a proof of concept. He was able to understand firsthand how to work Twitter, how difficult it can be to establish a consistent brand from Facebook to YouTube and, what may be the biggest challenge for those who market brands, how to rejigger values so that you're not pushing yourself on others but engaging with them. It was refreshing to find someone go in a skeptic and come out with a true grasp of the nuts and bolts of what social media really involves.

But, then there's Mr. Ridley. He rants about Twitter, but admits, "I haven't Tweeted once in my life." And, why not? He's sick of the uber-personal ramblings of people commenting on their every move in life. And of the hypocrisy of people who claim to want privacy protection yet yammer endlessly about their "private nonsense."

Fair enough. Except that those of us in business, in journalism and in other arenas have come to embrace a collection of communications vehicles that allows us to get and share information, meet others with the same interests and promote the things that need attention. As Phil Johnson said in his AdAge piece, "You can't understand it without experiencing it firsthand."

I believe that's where a lot of businesses are right now. They're listening to John Ridley early in the morning and nodding in agreement. But, they have yet to dip a toe in the water and haven't a clue about the great potential of tools like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and Linkedin. Or maybe they use it for personal stuff but haven't had that visionary moment that makes them realize what a boon it might be to their business or career.

That's why I encourage business leaders to get a little personal coaching -- from me or someone else -- to learn about these tools themselves so they can experience it firsthand and be able to glean the potential power they hold. Now will Twitter endure? Will Facebook? Who knows? As long as people are creative and technology continues to advance, there will always be new ways to engage on the horizon. It's not the specific mastery of these specific applications that is the be all and end all (although it's very important right now while we're using them), it's the understanding that standing still isn't an option.

But wait, John Ridley, surely you must have some inkling of this yourself. After all, you blogged about it on NPR. Yes, Ridley has a blog -- called Visible Man. Even Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep snickered a bit at the end when he mentioned that little nugget.

Giuseppe Ciuffa Guests on San Diego Gourmet

We had some fun on San Diego Gourmet with Giuseppe Ciuffa of Giuseppe Restaurants & Fine Catering! If you've enjoyed lunch at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego's Museum Cafe, you've definitely enjoyed Ciuffa's cooking. Robert, Maureen and I got some wonderful tips about warm weather foods, everything from what types of dishes work best for a picnic to how to actually make a good pasta salad. And, oh, his description of his mother's artichoke dishes. You've got to hear it! And you can -- below: